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V.I.P. Security

This is a project about our training program in V.I.P Security.


Our collaborators-trainers, who are among the most specialized in the field of Security in our country, with studies and professional experience in the field both in Greece and abroad, are known from numerous seminars and live training in a private environment and in official bodies.


With the sole aim of ensuring the quality of education and emphasizing the particular needs of the trainees, mainly when they concern the sensitive area of Personnel Security and the Official VIP Escort, principles which, after all, have made them known and established them in their field, utilize the tools of Didactics in order to achieve and offer the trainees an excellent result in both life and distance education.


Our trainees are now able to serve society as an example of a professional. In addition, they obtained the necessary knowledge and understanding, in addition to a professional qualification, and were able to use these skills and knowledge in an effective and efficient way to obtain high results. All of our trainees have a strong, realistic, and well-defined professional vision in the field of V.I.P. Security.