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ANS Winter Meeting (November 2022) in Phoenix, Arizona: The meeting’s theme and the presentation of the research of our partner Maria Pantopoulou

The theme for this year’s meeting is “Challenge Accepted”. The organizers typically mention the following: “With stronger public support and new NetZero policies in place, nuclear technology is primed for a major resurgence both here and abroad. Now, the race is on to upgrade our existing nuclear plants for the long haul and bring a new generation of advanced reactors into commercial operation. It won’t be easy: our domestic supply chains need strengthening, our regulatory systems must be more agile and responsive, we have acute workforce shortages in skilled professions, and our fuel cycle and waste management policies are way behind the curve. But the American nuclear community has done it before, and we can do it again. Join us this November as thought leaders from across the nuclear enterprise tackle the practical challenges of ushering in a new nuclear era in the U.S. and around the world”.

Below you can watch the presentation of our partner Maria Pantopoulou research work based on “Machine Learning – based Monitoring of Liquid Sodium Vessel Heater Zones”. Congratulations Maria!

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